Has std namespace been removed from rtt?

Hi all,

Today I did a clean install of rtt on a new pc. I am simply using the debian electric ROS packages.

Every self-written rtt component failes to build because the namespace std is missing.

An example of a file written at KUL:

#include "soem_driver_factory.h"
namespace soem_master
using namespace RTT;
        cout << "\t" << it->first << endl;

The cout and endl command give errors. Since the correct notation should be: std::cout

Now doing this also solves the problem:

#include "soem_driver_factory.h"
namespace soem_master
using namespace std;
using namespace RTT;
        cout << "\t" << it->first << endl;

Question1: Has there been a change somewhere which made this happen all of a sudden?

Question2: Is this the correct solution to the problem?

Thanks in advance,

Tim Clephas

Patch for soem

I have created a patch for soem. It is located here:


If this is not the correct solution, please advice.

