ROS+Orocos on OSX 10.7 using Homebrew

Being the lone Mac guy in the group, its often a lonely road… but I'm trying to get ROS and Orocos installed and have run into a two issues so far (one of which I'm blissfully ignoring).

First up, I've got ROS Electric installed using Homebrew (the newly recommended method), and didn't have much trouble. 'roswtf' comes back clean, so I'm assuming I'm doing alright so far.

Next, I followed the instructions on to install Orocos from source, modifying the rosmake command to also install dependencies (--rosdep-install). This caused rosmake to fail because some of Orocos' dependencies aren't defined as Homebrew rosdeps and some dependencies aren't available from Homebrew. So I worked through all that, adding Homebrew directions for libxslt, nokogiri, readline, lua-dev, gccxml, omniorb and facets (along with a ROS installer for gems). When I get all this working, I'll supply patches to the ROS and Orocos communities for these changes.

So now I'm humming along and utilrb fails to install, complaining about utilrb_ext. Specifically, when rake attempts to dlopen() the utilrb_ext.bundle, I get a "Symbol not found: ___gxx_personality_v0" error. The trace gives a confusing account of using both the utilrb files in ros/orocos_toolchain, and in the system's /Library/Gems/1.8 locations. Without digging much into how rake works (I'm not super-comfortable with Ruby), I found a compile option that disables utilrb_ext and modified utilrb's Makefile to use it (UTILRB_EXT_MODE=no). If this is incorrect, and utilrb_ext is required, I'd appreciate some help figuring out how to fix this.

After utilrb (sans _ext) compiled, I have now run into a problem with building typelib.

mkdir -p bin
cd build && cmake -Wdev -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=`rospack find rosbuild`/rostoolchain.cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=`rospack find rtt`/../install -DLIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH=`rospack find typelib`/lib ..

ROS+Orocos on OSX 10.7 using Homebrew

On 02/15/2012 05:29 PM, Gooding, Dustin R. (JSC-ER411) wrote:
> So now I'm humming along and utilrb fails to install, complaining about
> utilrb_ext. Specifically, when rake attempts to dlopen() the
> utilrb_ext.bundle, I get a "Symbol not found: ___gxx_personality_v0"
> error. The trace gives a confusing account of using both the utilrb
> files in ros/orocos_toolchain, and in the system's /Library/Gems/1.8
> locations. Without digging much into how rake works (I'm not
> super-comfortable with Ruby), I found a compile option that disables
> utilrb_ext and modified utilrb's Makefile to use it
> (UTILRB_EXT_MODE=no). If this is incorrect, and utilrb_ext is required,
> I'd appreciate some help figuring out how to fix this.
Honestly, I'm really not sure whether orogen requires the utilrb
extension. I think not, but I guess we'll figure it out later.

> /**
> mkdir -p bin
> cd build && cmake -Wdev -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=`rospack find
> rosbuild`/rostoolchain.cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=`rospack find
> rtt`/../install -DLIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH=`rospack find typelib`/lib ..

ROS+Orocos on OSX 10.7 using Homebrew

On Feb 16, 2012, at 04:05 , Sylvain Joyeux wrote:

> On 02/15/2012 05:29 PM, Gooding, Dustin R. (JSC-ER411) wrote:
>> So now I'm humming along and utilrb fails to install, complaining about
>> utilrb_ext. Specifically, when rake attempts to dlopen() the
>> utilrb_ext.bundle, I get a "Symbol not found: ___gxx_personality_v0"
>> error. The trace gives a confusing account of using both the utilrb
>> files in ros/orocos_toolchain, and in the system's /Library/Gems/1.8
>> locations. Without digging much into how rake works (I'm not
>> super-comfortable with Ruby), I found a compile option that disables
>> utilrb_ext and modified utilrb's Makefile to use it
>> (UTILRB_EXT_MODE=no). If this is incorrect, and utilrb_ext is required,
>> I'd appreciate some help figuring out how to fix this.
> Honestly, I'm really not sure whether orogen requires the utilrb extension. I think not, but I guess we'll figure it out later.
>> /**
>> mkdir -p bin
>> cd build && cmake -Wdev -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=`rospack find
>> rosbuild`/rostoolchain.cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=`rospack find
>> rtt`/../install -DLIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH=`rospack find typelib`/lib ..