autoproj update fails

Dear Sirs,

I have installed toolchain 2.3.1 and I am trying to update to current version.

I wen in my root directory and issued the command

autoproj update.

It ends with the following error:

manifest /usr/src/orocos/utilrb/manifest.xml of utilrb from orocos.toolchain lists 'ruby' as dependency, which is listed in the layout of autoproj/remotes/orocos.toolchain/orocos.autobuild but has no autobuild definition

What can I do ?

the complete output of the commands follows.

Thank you in advance,

Gianpaolo Rizzi.

root@giampy-P5KC:/usr/src/orocos# autoproj update
Access method to gitorious (git, http or ssh): git
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updating utilmm
updating utilrb

manifest /usr/src/orocos/utilrb/manifest.xml of utilrb from orocos.toolchain lists 'ruby' as dependency, which is listed in the layout of autoproj/remotes/orocos.toolchain/orocos.autobuild but has no autobuild definition