orocos-rtt.pc files were broken

I've been testing the packages for gnulinux, lxrt and xenomai and it seems
the 'fixes' of the .pc files earlier did not do the trick. In principle, the

Libs: -L${libdir} -lorocos-rtt-@OROCOS_TARGET@
Libs.private: @RTT_LINKFLAGS@

should suffice, unless you expose another library in your interface by
including its headers in your headers or using inline code in your headers.
Most targets do this, CORBA has this as well. That's why I changed for all
targets (macosx too) the line to:

Libs: -L${libdir} -lorocos-rtt-@OROCOS_TARGET@ @RTT_USER_LINKFLAGS@
Libs.private: @RTT_LINKFLAGS@

Where RTT_USER_LINKFLAGS contains all libs users need to link anyway because
we exposed them in our interface. For CORBA, all TAO libs are added again as
well. So we're pretty much off at square #1 except that we have a kind-of
policy now for determining if something belongs in Libs or Libs.private...

$ svn ci src/ config -m"Fix .pc generation for all targets: let user link also
with 'in headers exposed' libraries."
Sending config/check_depend.cmake
Sending src/corba/orocos-rtt-corba.pc.in
Sending src/orocos-rtt.pc.in
Transmitting file data ...
Committed revision 29623.
