Orocos Component Library ======================== NOTE - The Orocos Component Library is now part of the Orocos Toolchain and should seldomly be installed separately. Install the Orocos Toolchain instead. Installation Details ==================== For the minimal ocl library, do tar -xjvf orocos-ocl--src.tar.bz2 cd orocos-ocl- CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/opt/orocos cmake . Where CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH contains the installation directory of the Orocos libraries. It is set to ../install in case you do a toolchain build. If all dependencies could be found, a Makefile is generated and you can type: make make install If you have some of the ocl dependencies installed in non-standard locations, you have to specify this using environment variables: * Header locations using the CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH variable. * Library locations using CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH. * /opt -like locations using CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH (looks for libs, headers, binaries). E.g. using bash and fink in Mac OS X, the boost library headers are installed in /sw/include, so you would specify export CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH=/sw/include before running cmake. Installation options -------------------- * Orocos uses cmake (http://www.cmake.org) for its build configuration. CMake is a cross-platform build system. Use version 2.6.3 or later * This library requires that the Orocos RTT (liborocos-rtt) is installed (path in CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH). * You can set the installation path in the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX variable using ccmake. * You can additionally 1) do out-of-source builds: $ mkdir build $ cd build $ cmake .. $ make 2) set a different compiler: $ CC="distcc gcc-3.3" CXX="distcc g++-3.3" cmake .. 3) use the GUI Configurator: Use 'ccmake' or 'cmake-gui' rather than 'cmake' for a text-based configurator 4) have packaging support: $ make install DESTDIR=/staging/dir