Improving autoproj for Mac OS X?

What are the chances that someone could fix the OS and number-CPU detection for Mac OS X? It would take me an incredibly long time to figure it out in Ruby ...

Number CPUs = system("sysctl -n hw.ncpu") ... gives back "16\n" for my machine.


Improving autoproj for Mac OS X?

On 08/28/2011 10:21 PM, S Roderick wrote:
> What are the chances that someone could fix the OS and number-CPU detection for Mac OS X? It would take me an incredibly long time to figure it out in Ruby ...
> Number CPUs = system("sysctl -n hw.ncpu") ... gives back "16\n" for my machine.
Will do ...

It is just that I absolutely do not know about MacOSX and therefore
could not really help there.

When you say "OS detection", what do you mean ? What problem do you have
related to that ?


Improving autoproj for Mac OS X?

On 08/29/2011 02:32 PM, Sylvain Joyeux wrote:
> It is just that I absolutely do not know about MacOSX and therefore
> could not really help there.
And I sent before I finished this sentence:

"but I would be really happy if some people can give me directions in
that respect."
